Psychoeducational and Psychological Assessment

Are you curious about your child’s cognitive, academic, and social-emotional functioning? Are you interested in understanding more about how your child learns and what their unique strengths and areas of need are? Or, are you hoping to investigate a specific diagnosis?

Psychoeducational and psychological assessments utilize a variety of standardized measures to evaluate an individual’s intellectual abilities and level of academic achievement in addition to exploring their social, emotional, and behavioural needs. This information can be used to investigate a diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Anxiety, Depression, Intellectual Giftedness or Disabilities, and Learning Disorders among others.

What does an assessment involve?

All assessments will include an initial history meeting, individual testing, the scoring and reporting of results, and a final meeting to share these results, but vary in the depth and scope of areas covered. Some of the most common standardized assessments are listed below, although assessments can be tailored to individual needs and queries.

Standardized Assessment Offerings

A full psychoeducational assessment includes an evaluation of cognitive, academic, social-emotional, and behavioural functioning. This comprises an intake session, two testing sessions ranging from 1 to 2 hours, as well as the scoring and reporting of results and a final feedback meeting. This form of assessment is frequently used to investigate a diagnosis of ADHD, learning disorders, anxiety, depression, and other emotional-behavioural concerns.

12-13 hours | $2750


An Autism diagnostic assessment involves thoroughly investigating a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in addition to a variety of other diagnostic profiles. This includes the psychoeducational assessment format in addition to the administration of the ADOS-2 and ADI-R which are gold standard Autism diagnostic instruments. Together, an Autism diagnostic assessment includes an intake session, three testing sessions ranging from 1-2 hours each, a comprehensive semi-structured parent interview session, the scoring and reporting of results, and a final feedback meeting to discuss the results.

14-17 hours | $3740


A gifted assessment includes the evaluation of cognitive abilities to determine whether a child may be intellectually “gifted”, often to inform school placement and academic programming decisions. This includes a parent intake session, one testing session of 1-2 hours, the scoring and reporting of results, and a final meeting to discuss results.

4-6 hours | $1100


If your child’s academic achievement is not an area of concern, a psychological assessment may be helpful in evaluating their cognitive abilities in addition to their social, emotional, and behavioural functioning. This includes an intake session, one testing session of 1-2 hours, a semi-structured diagnostic interview, the scoring and reporting of results, and a final feedback meeting. This assessment can be helpful to investigate mental health diagnoses and an individual’s intellectual potential or areas of need.

9-11 hours | $2200